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Try this simple exercise to embrace vulnerability and change…
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
Brene Brown
Embracing vulnerability, being honest with yourself, and sharing your authentic self is the catalyst for innovation, creativity, and change. If you can’t acknowledge your weaknesses, struggles, and areas for growth, how can you expect to inspire others and drive positive transformation?
Try this transformative exercise: Take out a sheet of paper, set a timer for 3 minutes, and write down bullet point answers to this question: “If I am being brutally honest with myself, this behavior is holding me back in the pursuit of my goals in life.”
Review what you have written and ask yourself: “Which of these would have the largest impact on my life if I started to make positive changes now?” Circle the top three.
Choose one of the top three, set a five-minute timer, and write down bullet point answers: “How will my life be different in 90 days if I take action on the changes necessary to change this behavior today?
Take stock of what you have written, set a five-minute timer, and answer: “What do I need to do today to make these changes a permanent part of my life, and what is the NEXT action I can take?”
Finally, answer this last question: “Whom can I share this with knowing that they will be understanding, supportive, and help to hold me accountable for my desire to change?”
The last step is to move from internal vulnerability to external vulnerability. Now that you have a plan to unlock the change you desire, make it happen!