If you want to build a better tomorrow, focus on your attitude today…

Dusty Holcomb
2 min readNov 5, 2020

“Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.”

Bertolt Brecht

One thing we must all accept in life is that nothing stays the same. Change is both inevitable and constant. Recognizing and accepting this fact is the key to building a life of resiliency and focus.

When we see the change as benefitting us, we look forward to and are excited about the transformation going on in our lives. We view change as motivating and can easily live “in the future,” looking forward to new experiences.

When we view change and its impacts through a lens we perceive as unfavorable, we lament the differences and wish things “could go back to the way they were.” In this case, we desire to “live in the past.”

Acknowledging that change is continual enables you to focus on what you can control in the present moment today. You can’t do anything about the things that happened yesterday, last week, or last year. But you can focus on those things that you would want to view favorably when today becomes history.

You can’t control what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, or next year. But today, you have a choice to focus on those things that will be the seeds of future change. Your decisions today will either pay dividends or become an anchor that weighs you down.

Focusing on today and the fantastic gift you have with this present moment enables you to become resilient when things don’t go your way. Today is an incredible “one time only show” that you can only spend once.

Understand that change is constant and continual and spend today in a manner that will make tomorrow an immense blessing to both yourself and others.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com



Dusty Holcomb

I’m a lifelong learner, a student of leadership and and a servant of others. My personal mission in life is to enable success in others. www.dustyholcomb.com