Member-only story
Are you seeking to hone yourself and others?
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV
The only way to grow and improve in life is to have someone you trust to help you see your blind spots, push and encourage you when life throws a curveball, celebrate your wins, and lament your losses. Without a tribe, you can’t go as far, nor will you fulfill all you can become.
Take out a sheet of paper (or your digital notes app). List the people who have sharpened you in the past week. Write down what you learned and how you grew because of their impact. Then do the most important thing. Call, text, email, message them, and share how much you appreciate what they have done for YOU. Please share what you have learned, thank them, and invite them to sharpen you again.
Imagine the power if you did this EVERY WEEK and made one outreach call. Think of the impact if that person did the same for those who sharpened them.
Make the call. Iron sharpens iron, and it is the repeated strokes that hone the blade.